Planned Giving Through a Will
Bequests ensure that we’ll be able to continue transforming lives in Nepal for many years to come. If you already have a Will or Trust and would like to include NYF, you do not have to rewrite your current documents. You may simply make an amendment.
Here is some suggested bequest language you can have your tax advisor review:
I give and bequeath to the Nepal Youth Foundation (Tax I.D. 68-0224596),
located in San Francisco, California, the sum of __________________________ dollars ($ _________);
_____________________percent (________ %) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate;
the following described property: ________________________________________________________.
Your bequest is entirely under your control during your lifetime. Please consult an attorney when preparing legal documents.
Next Steps
- Work with your financial or legal adviser to confirm what type of bequest to make.
- If you wish to provide us with documentation of your bequest, you need send only a copy of the page from your Will that references your gift and a simple identification of the document itself such as the first page. Doing so will not only help us plan for the future and ensure that your wishes are carried out, but also secure your membership to our Legacy Circle.
The Legacy Circle
If you include NYF in your planned giving, please let us know! The Legacy Circle is NYF’s way of saying Dhanyabad, or Thank You, to those who remember us in their estate planning. All you need to do is tell us you’ve included NYF in your will or other plans—no minimum bequest required—and you become part of this special group. Members of our Legacy Circle mean the world to us: It is a profound honor to be included in a long-time supporter’s estate planning, and a great joy to know that our programs in Nepal can continue providing Education, Health, Shelter, and Freedom for children in Nepal for years to come.
Legacy Circle members receive annual special impact reports and invitations to join exclusive gatherings with Olga and our team.
For More Information
To discuss how you can support more children in Nepal through planned giving, please contact us through the website or call (415) 331-8585.
Although NYF does not offer professional legal advice, we are happy to work with your tax advisor to find the best solution for you. All information is provided confidentially and without any obligation.