Elizabeth Share
Advisory Board
Elizabeth Share has been an active volunteer and donor to NYF and has provided wise counsel for more than a decade. She has been helping donors and nonprofits increase the impact of their work in communities worldwide for more than 25 years. Among those she has worked with are The Isabel Allende Foundation, The Khaled Hosseini Foundation, The Chez Panisse Foundation, Grace Family Foundation, and City Car Share. Prior to founding her own consulting practice, Elizabeth served for 10 years as the vice president of the Autodesk Foundation, a corporate foundation associated with Autodesk, Inc. From 1996 to 2002, Elizabeth served as a board member of CompassPoint, the premier technical assistance provider to San Francisco Bay Area and Silicon Valley nonprofits. Elizabeth now divides her time between her consulting practice, Wise Giving, and The Center for Investigative Reporting, where she serves as the Senior Director of Foundation Relations.