Thank you for your recurring gift!
Thank you for making a recurring donation to support the Nepal Youth Foundation, and welcome to the Circle of Compassion! Your commitment to support NYF with a recurring gift every month or quarter makes you among our most dedicated and passionate supporters.
Learn more the Circle of Compassion by clicking here. Read more about our work and the impact of your support by clicking here.
A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided. For any questions, please contact us at
To maximize the impact of recurring gifts, we usually send a single acknowledgement letter for your total annual contribution amount in early February of the new year. For example, for your total contribution in 2022, you will receive an acknowledgement letter in early 2023. Some members prefer to receive a letter with every donation. Please contact us if you would like this option instead!
Manage your communication preferences:
We’d love to keep in touch with you from time to time to share updates, invite you to events, and tell you about how you can support NYF’s mission. But we also understand if you prefer to opt out of our marketing communications.
Note that we will never sell or distribute your information to other organizations or businesses. Please click here to read NYF’s full privacy policy.