Letter from Som Paneru: Empowering the next generation

Letter from Som Paneru: Empowering the next generation

The following is a version of a letter from NYF President Som Paneru. The letter was featured in a mailing in September 2024, sent to select NYF friends in North America. If you’d like to receive stories like this in the mail, please let us know. We hope you enjoy reading about the NYF Community’s heartfelt efforts to empower the next generation of children in Nepal!

Dear NYF Community,

This year, as we all commit to keeping Olga’s promise—now our shared promise—I often find myself reflecting on Olga didi’s inspirational impact on generations of Nepal’s young people. I am so grateful to you for making this remarkable work possible.

Nepali culture is deeply rooted in relationships, and in exchanges between each generation. Our language is full of special family-oriented terms of respect. Additionally, multigenerational homes are very common here. And our most cherished festivals highlight blessings offered to children from their elders.

In the early years, as our beneficiaries began to reach adulthood, Olga was tremendously proud that many of the children we supported began joining our efforts to empower the next generation of children. Their support, combined with the enthusiasm of our loving community in the U.S. and beyond, allowed our work to expand far beyond our expectations.

This trend has continued throughout NYF’s 34-year history. More and more, graduates are using their success to “pay it forward” for the next generation of NYF students. Even the children of long-time NYF staff members have joined our work!

Recently, I received a heartfelt email (below) from Nishant Mahat, the son of long-time NYF team member Reeta Mahat. When Reeta joined the NYF team in 2001, Nishant was only nine years old. Reeta had never anticipated needing to financially support her family. But she found a job at NYF at exactly the right time—and she has been a crucial team member ever since.

Nishant’s Heartfelt Email

To: Som Paneru
From: Nishant Mahat
Subject: Contribution to NYF

Dear Som Uncle,

I have seen NYF grow over the years very closely and it gives me immense pleasure that NYF continues to carry on Olga didi’s dream of making lives better for the most vulnerable in our society.

Among many things, what distinguishes NYF from other NGOs is the integrity it shows in delivering aid to the ones who really need it. As you know, my mother is one of the earliest staffs in NYF and I have witnessed first-hand the passion, devotion and sincerity that she puts into her work. That kind of devotion would not be possible if her work was not making an impact on lives of others. Her dedication strengthens my trust in NYF.

While NYF’s work of helping Nepali children and youth deservedly gets credit, I think what is often overlooked is the impact it has on its staffs’ life and family.

Without my mother’s job at NYF our lives would have turned out very differently and not in a good way. Sushant, Sidhant and I always considered ourselves beneficiaries of NYF. So, it is time I think I give something back.

The idea of giving back has always driven us. Sushant has donated to NYF before and his company matches his donation. Sidhant, when he was here, also made contributions. Therefore, it would be an honor for me to contribute to NYF as well.

Nishant Mahat

The Mahat Brothers: Supporting NYF

Today, Nishant is a successful software engineer in Kathmandu. His younger brother Sushant works in the U.S. at a leading-edge tech company.

Their youngest brother, Sidhant, unfortunately passed away while hiking in Colorado in 2022. He was pursuing his master’s degree in computer science and already supported NYF whenever he could. His family finds comfort in knowing that Sidhant’s spirit of generosity lives on in the kids he helped to empower.

I was very moved by Nishant’s email. His thoughtful compassion clearly shows that he is following in his mother’s (and brothers’) footsteps. And his desire to give back to NYF to support the next generation of Nepal’s children means much more than financial numbers.

Caste Equality Project Updates & Next Steps

Now, I want to take this moment to share this one-pager which provides an overview of our Caste Equality Project work from the past year. It also includes exciting next steps. Photos from Saptari District remind me of the early days of the Indentured Daughters program. In 2000 and 2001, we had no idea how much we would accomplish by empowering young Tharu women to reject oppressive systems and demand change. Thanks to support from people like you, in just 20 years, childhood indentured servitude changed from a day-to-day reality in their communities to an illegal, widely-rejected relic of the past.

Now, with support from you and young, inspired Nepali people like Nishant, Sushant, and Sidhant, we are building that same momentum in Dalit-majority villages in Saptari District.

We hope you’ll help us keep our transformative shared promise by making a generous gift today.


Som Paneru
NYF President

Why Your Review on GreatNonprofits Matters

Why Your Review on GreatNonprofits Matters

In today’s digital age, reviews hold immense power. They guide donor decisions, influence public perception, and help people discover new opportunities. For nonprofits like the Nepal Youth Foundation (NYF), reviews on platforms like GreatNonprofits are not just feedback—they’re a lifeline that can amplify our collective impact.

A Legacy of Empowerment

NYF was founded in 1990 with a simple yet powerful mission: to help Nepali children access education. Our founder, Olga Murray, was nearing retirement when she embarked on a Himalayan trek in 1984 that would change her life—and the lives of countless Nepali children. Inspired by the children she met, many of whom dreamed of an education but had little hope of receiving one, Olga began offering scholarships out of her own pocket. This small act of kindness blossomed into what NYF is today: a multifaceted organization addressing Education, Health, Shelter, and Freedom, with a strong emphasis on Nepali leadership and expertise.

Since its inception, NYF has aided over 60,000 children and families in Nepal. Our programs are developed and run entirely by Nepali people, ensuring that our work is culturally relevant and deeply impactful. Olga’s vision continues to guide us as we adapt to meet the needs of the communities we serve. At NYF, we are committed to honoring Olga’s memory and original promise, now our shared promise, to educate and empower the young people of Nepal.

Tackling Caste Discrimination: The Caste Equality Project

Today, Olga’s legacy lives on through the Caste Equality Project.

NYF is taking on the challenge of dismantling caste-based discrimination with our ambitious initiative, the Caste Equality Project. Although caste-based discrimination has been illegal in Nepal since 1963, the Dalit community—historically known as “untouchable”—continues to face severe social, economic, cultural, religious, and political marginalization, especially in rural areas. This project aims to empower Dalit individuals to access opportunities, defend their human rights, build prosperity, and dismantle the oppressive systems standing between them and the safe, dignified lives they deserve.

Are you as inspired by Olga’s promise to Nepal’s children as we are? You can help us honor Olga’s memory right now by writing us a review on GreatNonprofits!

The Power of a Review

When you write a review on GreatNonprofits, you do more than just share your experience. You contribute to a collective voice that can attract new supporters, volunteers, and donors. Your words become a beacon for others, guiding them toward a cause that resonates with their values.

For NYF, this means more people can learn about our mission to empower children in Nepal through Education, Health, Shelter, and Freedom.

Visibility and Credibility

With so many great causes competing for support, ensuring NYF is seen and heard is vital. Positive reviews boost NYF’s visibility on GreatNonprofits, often resulting in higher rankings and more exposure. This visibility can lead to increased donations, which directly support our transformative programs and the children we serve. Moreover, potential donors often seek validation from others before contributing to a cause. A well-written review can provide the credibility they need to make that decision confidently.

Building a Community of Supporters

Reviews also help build a sense of community among our supporters. When people share their stories and experiences with NYF, they create a narrative that others can connect with. Thus, this community-driven approach fosters a deeper sense of belonging and commitment among our supporters, strengthening the foundation of our mission.

Check out this quote from a review left by one of our beloved volunteers!

How You Can Help

If you’ve been touched by the work of the Nepal Youth Foundation, we encourage you to take a few minutes to write a review on GreatNonprofits. Your experience—whether as a donor, volunteer, or advocate—can inspire others to join our cause. Undoubtedly, each review has the potential to bring in new resources, helping us reach more children and expand our programs.

Here’s how it works:

A Lasting Impact

By writing a review, you’re not just sharing your story—you’re shaping the future of NYF. Your words can inspire others to join our cause, creating a ripple effect of positive change that extends far beyond the initial review. Indeed, it’s a simple act, but one with profound implications for the children and communities we serve in Nepal.

Thank you for being a part of our journey to provide Education, Health, Shelter, and Freedom to thousands of Nepali children. Together, we can build on this powerful momentum, creating brighter futures for the children and building a transformative legacy for generations to come.